Our experts MANAGING DIRECTORSENIOR LOSS ADJUSTER Marnix Van Laere Tel: +32 (0) 474 07 69 16 marnixvanlaere@xperta.be GENERAL DIRECTORSENIOR LOSS ADJUSTER Daniel De Roeck Tel: +32 (0) 496 57 25 47 danielderoeck@xperta.be MANAGER LIABILITY CLAIMSSENIOR LOSS ADJUSTER Wim Vermeiren Tel: +32 (0) 479 99 50 07 wimvermeiren@xperta.be SENIOR LOSS ADJUSTER Christoph Ruts Tel: +32 (0) 478 88 76 54 christophruts@xperta.be SENIOR LOSS ADJUSTER Pierre De Gieter Tel: +32 (0) 499 52 79 89 pierredegieter@xperta.be LOSS ADJUSTER Geert Swinnen Tel: +32 (0) 475 47 27 47 geertswinnen@xperta.be SENIOR LOSS ADJUSTER Tania Van den Bossche Tel: +32 (0) 479 93 06 36 taniavandenbossche@xperta.be LOSS ADJUSTER Ivo Ceulemans Tel: +32 (0) 470 76 19 61 ivoceulemans@xperta.be LOSS ADJUSTER Oskar Borré Tel: +32 (0) 485 41 78 16 oskarborre@xperta.be LOSS ADJUSTER Koenraad Hoorne Tel: +32 (0) 491 39 45 56 koenraadhoorne@xperta.be LOSS ADJUSTER Peter Op de Beeck Tel: +32 (0) 473 80 73 26 peteropdebeeck@xperta.be LOSS ADJUSTER Wouter Geelen Tel: +32 (0) 471 40 05 53 woutergeelen@xperta.be SENIOR LOSS ADJUSTER Nathalie Van Hoof Tel: +32 (0) 489 59 7547 nathalievanhoof@xperta.be LOSS ADJUSTER Kristof Van Hoof Tel: +32 (0) 489 80 65 36 kvh@xperta.be Join our team Are you interested in joining the XPERTA team? Don't hesitate to send us a message! Contact us